Pt2Project #8 Storyboard

Based on my personal experience I created this storyboard to tell the feeling I had during the orientation.

Feel a sense of connectivity with staff members

Not comfortable stay in the environment with crowned people

Stress to meet new people introduce myself.

Meet new friends without the feeling being left out

I had trouble with how to organize them to make reader understand easier.But at the end I am lost as well.I should find some reference online see how other people’s templates.Also there are a lot of things to draw ,but I only chose one uncomfortable moment, it took many times to do the storyboard without planing anything,I spend many time to decide about characters ,how many of them should I draw,and because is the first time I am using AI to draw, it looks time for me to get familiar with all the tools.The overall outcome didn’t turn out the way I actually want.

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